You lugied in my sewer hole - m4w
Date: 2010-02-04, 1:12AM PS
I was working in the manhole on Sunset & Curson last Friday around noon. I guess you didnt notice my little orange cones and barrier tape because there you were as I was climbing out. The noise my compressor was making made your shouting sound like a Gerbal trying to scratch it's way out of a dead homo's ass. I just kept my sweating hands clenched tight onto my poly-carbonate ladder, my mouth at the same level as your freshly shaved love puff. It kept trying to pull my mouth to it. Like sideways gravity. I adored your stylish florescent green faux patent leather mini skirt that came all the way up to your fur line (if there had been fur, that is) . My nipple's stiffened as I caught a glimpse of the silhouette of your clitoris bar bell piercing. I invisioned your barbell drenched in my fresh jizz-oleo, standing proud and true against the American horizon. As I looked up at you I was greeted with the sight of the bottom of your melon ta ta's in a see through chromed halter top. I fantasized about my hot floppy skiing down between your fat banana tittied slopes, my tongue lapping you up greedily all the way down to your Chocolate starfish where I would mercilessly pound down on your squiggly brown round. Our time was cut short by the big green "walk" sign on that pole. You spun around on those sparkly red fuck me pumps, like the ones Dorothy clicked in "the Wizard of Oz". As I watched you walk away you turned to take that final one last long look. Tears welled in my eyes, I thru up my hands screaming "Goodbye my love!". You blew me a kiss.... then hocked a massive green phlegm wad and lugied into my sewer hole. I watched in slow motion as it descended into the pitch black void...down....down. Then...impact. At that very moment, my compressor ran out of gas and for a moment it was silent, like the earth had froze. The silence reduced to the ever present ambient ringing one hears when there's nothing to hear. And...you were gone. Eventually, life returned to normal. I grabbed my gas can and headed for the petro-dollar squirting nozzles of the entrenched power base as sewer rats swarmed your mucous laden saliva that was way down low, back in my sewer hole.
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